It’s been a rough couple of weeks. I started the semester off feeling optimistic, but suddenly the weight of the end of the semester came crashing down on me and I was buried in a pile of papers, presentations and final exams, not to mention uncertainty about what next semester would bring.
I applied for transfer to ASU in the end of October. It took a while for my transcripts to get sent, so my application status changed on My ASU to “pending/in process” on November 15. I checked the status every single day—on some days, I would check back multiple times, just in case—and for 3 and a half weeks, nothing changed. I tried contacting ASU, and all they could tell me was that I should be hearing back soon. Then Monday came, and my status changed to “In Review.” Suddenly I felt like my application was going to be denied. Why? That’s a great question, seeing as ASU has pretty low requirements—a 2.5 GPA will guarantee admission and they boast a 95% acceptance rate. Somehow, though, I convinced myself that they had filled all of the openings for transfer students, and I was doomed to spend another semester at Paradise Valley Community College, which might just be the death of me.
Clearly I was wrong :)
I have a tendency to have extremely high expectations at the beginning of the semester and watch them spiral downwards in a fiery tailspin as finals come around, but I’m still going to say this: I think things are going to be great at ASU.
The second I started writing for my journalism class—really writing, with research and interviews and the whole nine yards—all of the doubts that had been floating around in my mind disappeared.
I’m not in denial—I know it won’t be easy, and I’ll still have days where I weigh the pros and cons of dropping out and becoming a hermit. But I love writing, and I love my major, so I am going into my time at ASU feeling completely optimistic.
That is all :)
Kellie, Congratulations on being accepted to ASU! I enjoy reading your blogs. I share your love for writing. When I was in highschool the only teacher who encouraged me was my creative writing teacher. When you have those days that you consider becoming a hermit just remember the Santa hat you had to wear on Black Friday at Office Max! Good luck at ASU. Love Mom